Sub floor ventilation is essential for the health and longevity of any building or structure with a sub floor area. If your sub floor is damp, mouldy or smelly or you have fungi growing – you need under floor ventilation!
Constant high moisture levels may cause irreversible damage to the structure of your house. High humidity and poor indoor air quality will severely impact the health of occupants if it finds it’s way into habitable spaces. This can be prevented by good design, but if you find your house lacking you may need to install additional sub-floor walls vents or fans.
If adequate cross ventilation can’t be achieved to provide sufficient airflow to keep the sub floor ground dry then mechanical forced ventilation will be required. Fan forced ventilation can be hard wired and set with timers or humidity switches. However, a smart way to go if possible is to use a solar fan. It will only run when the sun shines so that only relatively dry air will be introduced to the sub floor. Other set ups may introduce wet air and exacerbate the problem.